In a world of generative AI and skill shortages... where you often have too many unsuitable applicants or struggle to hire due to a lack of qualified ones...
CV Wallet’s Global Programmatic Network uniquely combines our award winning, programmatic sourcing technology with a global media network that’s optimised on applicant quality to automatically deliver qualified, verified candidates on a cost per application basis.
Straight into your hiring process....
Using our Blue Tick verification, jobseekers can prove their skills, qualifications and experience to build trust with potential employers.
Our unique, decentralised infrastructure means that jobseekers own and control their data solving the traditional issues around privacy and security.
Recruiters can invite our verified users who have the right skills and experience to apply to their jobs providing an unbiased, zero-friction application process.
Using our Programmatic Sourcing tools we have automated the entire process. Simply provide us with your jobs, budget and desired number of qualified applicants, we will automatically do the rest.
As featured in
Designed to sit alongside job advertising, CV Wallet’s award-winning hiring platform delivers qualified applicants seamlessly into your existing tech stack, effortlessly getting you straight to the hire.